Who Refers to Burning Tree?

Burning Tree Ranch is a specialty program dedicated to the treatment of chronic addiction and mental health. Our program is long-term, progress-based, and highly intensive. Since 1999, we have supported countless referring professionals in delivering ethical, high-quality solutions to the clients and families they represent.

Family, Financial, & Advisory Services

Finance and advisory professionals are one of the most common types of referrals we receive as the monetary impact of chronic relapse can be extremely damaging for families.

Healthcare Professionals

Sometimes addiction and mental health is a matter of life and death. It’s not uncommon to receive referrals from healthcare professionals when continued relapse puts a life at risk.

Legal Professionals

Although less common, Burning Tree receives referrals from legal professionals for cases with unique & complicated circumstances.

Suffering From Both a Mental Health Disorder and an Addiction

What Is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis generally refers to the existence of multiple mental health conditions in an individual. Such a diagnosis may also include substance use disorder or a related chemical dependency.

Properly treating dual diagnosis – mainly when substance use is involved – necessitates an integrative approach that comprehensively addresses the intricate interplay between mental illness and the substance abuse issue.

Asking the Right Questions

Considering Long-Term Treatment for Your Client

The Need to Act

What are the circumstances?

What are the circumstances under which you may refer a person to long-term, chronic addiction treatment? What are you observing that informs you of the need to act?

Fiduciary Duty

What Is Your Professional Responsibility?

Do you have a moral or fiduciary responsibility to make a recommendation for long–term chronic addiction treatment for your client?

Motivation for Completing Treatment

What can be leveraged to motivate the client?

What motivation for treatment might you be able to create as a trusted professional serving a family’s best interest? How might you incorporate leverage for the client to go and complete treatment?

Video Cover: Who is a Burning Tree Client?

How Do I Know If My Loved One is a Fit for Burning Tree Ranch?

Answer a Few Short Questions
Burning Tree is a World-Renown Organization

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