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Video: A Message To Family

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A Message to Families from Brook McKenzie, COO of Burning Tree Ranch

Video Summary:

Brook McKenzie, Chief Operating Officer of Burning Tree Ranch and program alumnus, addresses families affected by the disease of addiction. He acknowledges the pain, desperation, and hopelessness experienced by both the addicted individual and their family members. As a recovered chronic relapser himself, McKenzie offers hope and understanding.

Burning Tree Ranch is a place for those ready to try a completely new approach to addiction recovery. The long-term treatment program is designed specifically for chronic relapsers and challenges families to set aside their preconceptions and face the reality of addiction in their life.

We invite families to share their stories with Burning Tree and allow us to help create a path towards permanent recovery.

Read: Video Transcript

You know, we hear so much about the hopelessness, trauma, and desperation surrounding the addicted loved one. But more often than not, the family is experiencing their own desperation, their own sadness, and their own sense of despair. My guess is if you’re watching this video, you’re someone who has been profoundly affected by addiction.

You may feel as though you’ve lost this person already, or you may lose them soon. If you’re here, you’ve already been through so much. You’ve felt all the emotions, all of the pain.

There may have been times when you can think of nothing but solving the problem, and other times when you’ve sworn you’re done.

But if you’re watching this video, you’ve luckily come to a place where you finally know that in order to heal, it’s going to truly take something extraordinary.

In recognizing this, you may be nearing a place where you’re ready to do something different. Something entirely new. Something brave.

My name is Brook McKenzie. I’m the Chief Operating Officer at Burning Tree Programs. And I’m also a grateful alum of Burning Tree Ranch. Like the person you love, I suffered for years as a chronic relapser. And for all those years I suffered, my family suffered with me.

I’m here today for you – for the addicted loved one who is still suffering, and for the family suffering with them. If that family member is you, there is a way out and there is a solution.

It will not be easy; it will not be quick. Many of the families we meet tell us they are willing to do anything to help their addicted loved one.

At Burning Tree Ranch, we are going to ask that you focus that same willingness in a different direction.

We’re going to ask that you set aside everything that you think you know. We’re also going to ask that you become honest about the predicament you and your loved one are faced with.

The disease of addiction is a fatal and progressive illness. It is not curable, but with proper treatment and enough willingness, there is recovery. And with that, there awaits a whole new life, not only for your loved one, but for you.

We hope you’ll join us in the discussion about your family. We’d like to hear your story; what you’ve been through.

And most of all, we’d like to help.


- SINCE 1999 -

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