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Video: Testimonial from Eric Button, Alumni & Family Liaison

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Family Liaison Eric Button Shares His Experience as a Burning Tree Ranch Alumni

Video Summary:

This brief video features Eric Button, an alumnus and now the Family Liaison of Burning Tree Ranch. Eric shares his personal connection to the long-term addiction treatment program, highlighting the transformation he witnessed in both himself and the families he now serves.

He cherishes the joy that’s experienced by families when they are reunited with their loved ones and see the positive changes that have occurred after treatment. He concludes with a message of hope, stressing that some individuals like himself need authentic long-term residential treatment to find a lasting recovery.

Read: Video Transcript

My favorite part of serving the families that entrust us to work with your loved one is to see the true joy when you see the change, and to feel and to be connected on an intimate level.

It’s a reminder for me of where my family walked through the fear of getting me into long-term treatment, and the gift that they gave me.

My name’s Eric Button. I’m a proud alum of Burning Tree Ranch, and since September of 2013 I’ve had the honor of being an employee of Burning Tree.

I need you to know that there is hope. And for myself, and countless others, being in long-term residential treatment is exactly what I needed to realize that I’m worth being hopeful.


- SINCE 1999 -

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