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Video: What Makes Our Aftercare Program Unique

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Dawn Wilson, Director of Transition Services, Shares What Makes Our Aftercare Program Unique

Video Summary:

Dawn Wilson is the Director of Transition Services at Burning Tree Ranch. In this video, she highlights the role of our transition & tailored aftercare program in bridging the gap between inpatient treatment and independent living.

Implementing recovery principles in daily life is challenging, and doubly so for chronic relapsers. Transition support is a key component of our addiction treatment program. Our ongoing involvement in aftercare helps us to monitor and support clients as they engage in full-time employment and juggle daily responsibilities.

Ultimately, our tailored aftercare program is the cornerstone that helps cement the growth achieved in the residential portion of treatment into a lasting recovery and a life of excellence beyond sobriety.

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It’s one thing to be sober while you’re still in inpatient treatment, and it’s a whole ‘nother ball game to be practicing the principles of the steps out in real life.

I honestly feel like the transition program makes Burning Tree the best treatment that there is out there.

So when the client discharges and comes on to my caseload, we begin to look at a job, and employment, and what they want to do. And one of the things that we continue to work with them on while they’re in our transition home are life skills.

They all have jobs in the house. They have service positions. They are required to find full-time employment, and everything is about balancing recovery.

The transition staff that is taking on that client is not just getting a relay about that person. We’ve actually watched their struggles. We know exactly what they’ve been going through, and we’re able to better equip them and help them into getting back into everyday life.

We want to make sure that they are able to balance and actually put into practice the things that they’ve learned the entire time that they’ve been in treatment with us.


- SINCE 1999 -

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