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Video: Who is a Burning Tree Client?

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Burning Tree Alumna Beth Legacki Describes ‘Who is a Burning Tree Client?’

Video Summary:

Beth Legacki is a recovered alcoholic, addict, and an alumna of Burning Tree Ranch. Prior to Burning Tree, Beth participated in seven other treatment centers unsuccessfully.

Here, she shares her insights into the characteristics that make up the typical Burning Tree client. She describes them as intelligent, charming, and creative individuals that have learned to use their skills to maintain their addiction.

As Beth notes in the video, our clinical team at Burning Tree Ranch carefully distinguishes between what our clients say and what they actually do during an intimate, long-term treatment episode.

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Hi, I’m Beth Legacki and I’m a recovered alcoholic and addict. My sobriety date is May 4th, 2007.

A Burning Tree Client has had failed attempts at sobriety. They’ve been to several treatment centers prior, and have not been able to maintain recovery.

Some of the characteristics of a Burning Tree client are: smart, articulate, manipulative, charming. They’re disarming. They are creative, amazing people. And they’ve been able to use these characteristics to keep themselves sick, really, and to keep people at bay.

You know, these are assets that they’ve been able to use in their life – but they’re also their greatest liabilities, right? I went to Burning Tree and I’d been to seven treatment centers already. When I got here, I met my match because they cared more about what I was doing rather than what I was saying.


- SINCE 1999 -

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